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How many minutes should I book for ?

General full body relaxation massage.
If you are looking for a general massage specifically to relax with no therapeutic work done in specific areas.

Recommended session time:

60 min
75 min
90 min
120 min

Not full body, Deep tissue targeting specific areas.
If you have a specific problem and you only want to work on the areas connected to the problem.

Full body, Deep tissue targeting specific areas. 
If you would like a full body massage plus you have one or more areas that needs deep tissue work.

Recommended session time:

60 min
75 min
90 min


Recommended session time:

90 min
120 min

Full body, deep tissue everywhere equally.
If you would like a deep tissue massage from head to toe.

Recommended session time:

90 min
120 min

It is very important for me to have enough time to help you in the way that you request.

When booking a massage you should  take in to consideration which kind of service you are aiming to receive. If you choose a session time which is too short, then I might not be able to accomplish what we were set out to achieve.
For example: A deep tissue massage is often requested with a full body massage. If you choose 60 minutes, the massage may seem rushed and  incomplete. From my experience, alot of clients express that 60 minutes is too short for that service.

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